Парадисус рио де оро куба ольгин

Парадисус рио де оро куба ольгин

Райское место, расположенное между горным массивом и морем

Побалуйте себя роскошными впечатлениями в обстановке, предназначенной только для взрослых гостей, в окружении самых удивительных природных красот. Наслаждайтесь романтической атмосферой, расслабляющими спа-процедурами, изысканными ресторанами и широким выбором познавательных мероприятий.


  • Due to the Covid-19 health crisis, our hotel operations have been adapted to guarantee safety for our customers and compliance with regulations. Additional cleaning and hygiene measures have been implemented and some procedures and spaces have been adjusted. These changes may affect some services. For more specific information on this hotel, please see the section on Stay Safe
  • Расположенный в одном из самых красивых природных заповедников восточной Кубы, этот привлекательный приморский экокурорт и спа-центр только для взрослых с системой «все включено» и бассейнами, садами, палапами, джакузи на открытом воздухе и бесплатным Wi-Fi приглашают Вас получить уникальные впечатления на Карибах
  • Элегантные двухэтажные бунгало и наши апартаменты обладают обширным пространством, прекрасным видом на природу и утонченным оформлением с использованием первоклассных материалов
  • Наша Королевская Служба добавляет штрих особенности и эксклюзивности с высоко индивидуализированными привилегированными услугами, огромным бассейном и особым оборудованием. Элегантные садовые виллы с саунами, личным бассейном и прямым проходом на пляж обеспечивают максимальное уединение
  • Карибские вкусы и ароматы сочетаются с лучшей кухней народов мира, чтобы создать роскошный выбор меню. В течение дня наши восемь ресторанов и семь баров предоставляют отличный выбор завтраков, обедов и ужинов, закусок и коктейлей, а также услугу «Tea-Time» с соками и игристым вином кава
  • Всемирно известный «YHI Spa Aguas de Oro» выиграл несколько премий Всемирного совета по туризму и путешествиям и предлагает удовольствие от расслабления и тела, и разума в абсолютно умиротворенной обстановке с частным пляжем, массажными кабинетами и прекрасными морскими террасами
  • Мы предоставляем печать нашей эксклюзивной природной среды и бесплатное wifi подключение для проведения профессиональных и личных мероприятий, как свадьбы, собрания, конгрессы и тренинги. В дополнение к легко приспосабливаемым многофункциональным залам, способным вместить до 300 человек, мы также располагаем альтернативными помещениями для банкетов и празднований

«Парадизус Рио де Оро» – это привлекательный 5-звездочный эко-отель, работающий по системе «все включено» со спа-салоном, предназначенным только для взрослых гостей, и все это в самой экзотической природной среде. «Роял Сервис» предлагает широкий спектр эксклюзивных услуг высочайшего уровня с индивидуальным подходом и внимательностью к деталям.

К услугам гостей также комфортабельные номера, изысканные рестораны и замечательный спа-салон «YHI Spa». Кроме того, отель располагает всеми условиями для проведения развлекательных мероприятий, здесь имеется тренажерный зал, все необходимое для водных видов спорта, зона для дайвинга, зоны для проведения свадеб и встреч, и все это идеально подходит для превосходного отдыха.

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Meliá Hotels International
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1. General information

This legal notice (hereinafter «Legal Notice«) are designed to regulate the use of the Internet portal service «www.melia.com» (hereinafter, the «website»). We recommend you read these terms carefully before using the website.

To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11 on information society and electronic commerce services, the general information of the website is as follows:

  • Owner: Melia Hotels International S.A.(MELIA)
  • Address: C/Calle Gremio Toneleros 24, 07009 Palma de Mallorca
  • Contact:atencionalcliente.reservas@melia.com
  • Commercial register: Palma de Mallorca, Book: 112, Section: 1335, Page: PM-22603
  • Tax ID: A-78304516

2. Users

Access to and/or use of the website implies the condition of website user and acceptance from that moment in full and without reservation of these Terms and Conditions and any applicable Special Conditions which might supplement, modify or replace the General Conditions for certain website services and content. Prior to the use of the services offered by the website, it is therefore recommended that the user carefully read all relevant Conditions.

Use of the website is also subject to all other notices, regulations and instructions made known to the user by MELIA by any means which may substitute, complete and/or modify this Legal Notice. For greater flexibility in the operation of the website for the benefit of users, MELIA may modify the services provided and any aspect of the website as well as operating, technical and service conditions for use of the website services.

Similarly, MELIA may modify these Terms or Conditions as applied to any service or content, posting notice on the website. Changes will not be applied retroactively and will take effect from the date of publication. If you do not accept the amended terms of service , you must stop using the service. We recommend that you regularly check the terms of use of the website.

3. Use of the website, its services and content

The user agrees to use the website and its services and content in a manner consistent with current legislation, morals, good customs and public order, and not to contravene the provisions of this legal notice and those that may complement, modify or replace these provisions. Consequently, the user must not use the website or its services and content for any illegal purposes or purposes harmful to the rights and/or interests of MELIA or third parties which in any way harm the normal operation of the website or its services for the rest of its users, MELIA and/or its image.

In general the provision of the services does not require prior subscription or registration of users. However, MELIA may condition the use of some of the services upon completion of the corresponding user registration or forms. In all cases, registration will be carried out as expressly indicated in the service or in the special conditions governing it, and the user must provide accurate information and keep that information updated at all times. The user shall be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and any damages caused to MELIA or third parties by the information provided.

With respect to content (information, texts, images, sound files, photos, designs, etc), it remains prohibited:

  • Any reproduction, copy, dissemination, distribution, public communication, transformation or modification, unless there is permission from the legal owner or legislation.
  • Any violation of the rights of MELIA or its owners thereof.
  • Any use for commercial or advertising purposes other than those strictly permitted.
  • Any attempt to obtain the contents of the website by any means other than those made available to users as well as those commonly used on the Internet, provided they do not cause any harm to the MELIA website and/or services and content.

4. Responsibility of users for damages and reasons for exclusion

Use of the website is under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user, MELIA being expressly exonerated with regard to any damages and/or injury caused to the user or third parties by any use not in line with the provisions of this Legal Notice and the specific conditions that in each case would apply. This responsibility includes the use by the user or any third party of any passwords or similar codes assigned for accessing the website, if any, or any of its services.

Without limiting the foregoing, MELIA reserves the right to refuse, without prior notice and at any time, access to the website to users who violate these terms, or the particular terms in each case as they are applicable and for any breach of law, morals and/or public order.

The exclusion of users does not constitute any waiver by MELIA of any right to conduct any appropriate legal action or compensation to which it may be entitled.

The website may make available to users links to other web sites operated and controlled by third parties. These links have the sole function of making it easier for users to search for information, content and services on the Internet and in no way may be considered a suggestion, recommendation or invitation to visit them. MELIA does not sell, manage, control, nor endorse any content, services, information and data available on such websites.

MELIA thus assumes no liability, either directly or indirectly, for any damages of any kind arising from access, maintenance, use, quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the content, information , communications, opinions, events, products and services found or offered on websites not managed by MELIA and which are accessible through links on the website.

Any individuals or entities who wish to create a hyperlink from one web page to another Internet portal or any pages on the MELIA website must comply with the following conditions:

  • The total or partial reproduction of any services or content of the website is not permitted.
  • No deep-links or IMG or image links, nor frames with website pages will be allowed without the express permission of MELIA.
  • No false, inaccurate or incorrect will be included on the MELIA website, its employees, or the services or content offered .
  • Except for any signs that are part of the «hyperlink», the website on which it is found may not contain any trademark, trade name, label, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to MELIA unless authorized by MELIA.
  • The creation of a «hyperlink» does not imply the existence of any relationship between MELIA and the owner of the website or portal from which it is made, nor any knowledge or acceptance by MELIA of the services and content offered on that website.
  • MELIA is not responsible for the content or services made available to the public on any website containing a «hyperlink » or the information and statements included therein.
  • The web page on which the hyperlink appears may not contain any information which is illegal, contrary to morality and generally accepted good practices and public order, nor include contents which infringe the rights of third parties.

6. Intellectual property

All trademarks, trade names or logos of any kind that appear on the website are owned by MELIA or its licensors, and it may not be construed that the use or access to the website and/or the website services gives the user any rights over trademarks, trade names and/or distinctive signs and their use. in particular, the brands included in the Portal are subject to the laws applicable in the field of industrial property, being prohibited their reproduction or use without permission from the owner.

The content and information appearing on the website are the property of or its licensors or MELIA under the provisions of this Legal Notice, and it may not be understood that any of the rights that exist or may exist on any such content or information is being transferred to the user, beyond what is necessary for the correct use of the website and the website services.

MELIA maintains a strong commitment to the protection of Intellectual Property online. To this end, MELIA states that it has applied and implemented high security standards to protect the content posted on its website. However, despite this security, extraordinary situations may arise which are not attributable to MELIA and are beyond the control of MELIA. In this sense, in order to preserve the rights of intellectual property, should any user or third party consider that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights due to the introduction of specific content on the website, they must notify MELIA of such circumstances at the address mentioned above.

The Intellectual Property of the www.melia.com well as any other items considered likely to be subject to the rules of intellectual property, exclusively belong to MELIA, being MELIA the owner of all intellectual property rights.

As the sole owner of the intellectual property rights of the website, MELIA has exclusive rights to ownership of the domain www.melia.com and therefore grant any authorization for the exercise of any activity arising from exploitation rights thereof, and in particular the right of reproduction, public communication, distribution, or transformation, whatever the format used.

Any citation or reference to the industrial property rights of third parties included on the website implies a recognition by MELIA in favour of the holders of those intellectual property rights, not implying their inclusion or reference by the website the existence of any right or responsibility by MELIA with regard to them, having authorized their inclusion and appropriate citation in accordance with the provisions of regulations, with such inclusion not being considered in any way an endorsement or recommendation by MELIA for those brands.

The legitimacy of the intellectual rights relating to the content provided by third parties property is their sole responsibility.

Internet users visiting the website may view the information contained herein and download or reproduce it on their computer systems, provided that the parts copied are not given to any third parties or installed on an Internet-connected server or local network. Except as set out in this Legal Notice, the distribution, modification, cession, public communication or any other act involving all or part of the information published on the website is not permitted without prior authorization from MELIA.

The user must use the content and information contained in the website diligently, correctly, lawfully and, in particular, solely for personal, non-commercial use, provided they do not delete or modify any content or any mention of sources, copyright and other data identifying MELIA or the rights of third parties in its original form. The copying, distribution or publication of any kind of the content published on the website is prohibited without the prior written permission of MELIA.

7. Exemption from responsibility and guarantees



Similarly, MELIA provides no warranty nor accepts any liability under any circumstances for damages of any kind that may result from:

  • Lack of usefulness, appropriateness or validity of the website and/or its services and content to meet the needs, activities or specific results or expectations of users.
  • The receipt, acquisition, storage, distribution or transmission by users of any content, and the infringement of intellectual property rights, trademarks, honour, personal and family intimacy, data protection, image, property or any rights of third parties as a result.
  • Misuse, negligent or fraudulent use, or any use contrary to these General Conditions, good faith, generally accepted uses or public order of the website, its services or contents by users.
  • The lack of legality, quality , reliability, usefulness, updating and availability of services provided by third parties and made available to users on the Website and/or the contents.
  • Failure by third parties with regard to their obligations or commitments in connection with the services provided to users through the website.
  • The views expressed by users on the forums , chat and review messages that may be enabled in the different areas of the Portal.
  • The knowledge that unauthorized third parties may obtain about the type, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of use that users make of the Website and the services and/or content.

8. Privacy and personal data policy

Personal data will be processed by MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL, S.A. as described in the company Privacy Policy. If you wish, you may contact the Data Protection Office at dpo@melia.com or by letter to the «Data Protection Office» at MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL, S.A.

Due to the characteristics of the activity and services MELIA offers, and pursuant to the achievement of its objectives, the processing of personal data on users is required to provide the services, as well as the transfer of such data to third parties, including international transfers. To do this, the data will be collected and processed in a file owned by MELIA HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SA, established in Gremio Toneleros, 24, 07009 Palma de Mallorca, Spain. In this sense MELIA guarantees that the personal data is treated confidentially, and applies the strictest security measures required by Spanish legislation on data protection and storage for the treatment thereof.


Similarly, data owners may, at all times, exercise their right to access the information and their rights to rectification, cancellation and opposition in the terms established in data protection legislation, by writing to the Marketing Department at the above address or via email to lopd@melia.com (Ref. Data Protection). User consent to the processing and transfer of personal data will be revocable at any time without any retroactive effect, as required by Articles 6 and 11 of the Organic Law 15/ 1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data , through the same mechanism described above.

9. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The current conditions are subject to Spanish law.

Whenever the user is ordinarily resident in a Member State of the European Union, MELIA and the user will expressly waive rights to any other jurisdiction that may apply and will subject themselves to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the residence of the user for any issues or actions which may arise from the provision of services covered by these terms and the interpretation, application, enforcement or breach of the provisions above. If the user is ordinarily resident outside a Member State of the European Union, MHI and the user will expressly waive their rights to any other jurisdiction that may apply and will subject themselves to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

In order to make the Website easier to use and improve interactions with users MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL SA, with offices at Calle Gremio Toneleros nº 24, Palma de Mallorca 07009, Spain (hereinafter, “MELIÁ«), we would like to inform you that we use cookies or other files with similar functionality known as pixels, beacons or tags or online identifiers (hereinafter, «cookies”).

Use of the Website or its services implies acceptance of the terms and conditions contained in the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy. We would also like to inform you that MELIÁ is responsible for its own and third-part cookies and the processing of data obtained through their use, as well as decisions regarding the purpose, content and use of the information collected.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are files that contain small amounts of information that are downloaded to users’ devices when they visit a website. This allows us to technically identify information about a user and their device, without any need to directly process their personal data.

Cookies are essential for making the Internet work. They cannot damage users’ devices and their activation in the browser settings can help identify and resolve possible errors in the way the Website works.

Cookies have many purposes, such as making navigation between pages more efficient, remembering your preferences and, in general, collecting information on navigation in order to improve the user experience. They also help ensure that the ads you see online are the most relevant ads for you based on your preferences and interests.

How do we use cookies?

By accepting cookies through the mechanisms enabled on the Website or by adjusting your cookie settings, you expressly accept the use of cookies on your devices. If you disable cookies, some of the functionality on the Website may not work properly.

Specifically, at MELIÁ we use cookies for the purposes described below. If we use other cookies in the future to offer more and better services, we will inform users.


Technical cookies help users move around a website and use its functionality. In general, these cookies enable the different website functionality, make browsing more secure or provide functionalities that have been previously requested by users. As they are required for the operation of the Website, these cookies will be activated by default and their installation cannot be rejected.

MELIÁ may use the cookies required to save your cookie preferences in our systems, stabilise your browsing or make it more secure.

Technical cookies Purpose: Expiration
User session, registration details bookings. These cookies help guarantee that the website works and that users can interact with it. For example, it allows us to manage user registration, keep sessions active and balance loads on the site, among other things. During the session, 30 days. 90 days or 365 days depending on the technical function.

These cookies are required for the correct operation of the Website and cannot therefore be deactivated.


These cookies allow us to remember information so you can access the service with certain characteristics that can differentiate your experience from that of other users, such as, for example, the language, the number of results to show when you do a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type of browser you use or the region from which you use the service, etc. Likewise, to improve your navigation and user experience, we can customise the Website options depending on the preferences you select. If this customisation is required for the operation of the website or requested directly by you, it will remain active as it is required to display the Website information in the way you wish. In this sense, MELIÁ will thus use cookies to personalise the Website. You can accept or reject the installation of these cookies.

Supplier Purpose: Expiration
AB Tasty These cookies allow us to test different Website designs (text, colours or other changes in general) to identify improvements in navigation and the user experience. 13 months
Uidcookie_visitor This cookie allows us to customise the content of the website and adjust it to the preferences of users in line with the profile prepared through an analysis of their behaviour and interaction with the website. This allows us to improve the user experience by offering the the most useful and relevant options and settings. 3 months


These cookies allow us to obtain relevant information on Website use and the effectiveness of the available options and content. This helps us introduce improvements based on an analysis of data on the use of services obtained through monitoring and analysing user behaviour, including quantification of the impact of ads. For this we use information such as the number of page views, their frequency and repetition, the duration of the visit, the browser used, the operator that provides the service, the language, the terminal used or the city to which the IP address is assigned. In no case do we use other types of information such as the user’s name, surname or email or postal address for this purpose.

You can accept or reject the installation of these cookies.

Supplier Purpose: Expiration
Eulerian These cookies allow a better understanding of the behaviour and interaction of users with the website, and thus improve the quality of the content and services is offers. 13 months
Google (GAP) These cookies allow a better understanding of the behaviour and interaction of users with the website, and thus improve the quality of the content and services is offers. 3 months
Uidcookie_visitor These cookies allow a better understanding of the behaviour and interaction of users with the website, and thus improve the quality of the content and services is offers.


These cookies allow us to show you ads tailored to your tastes and interest, based on an analysis of your browsing habits. This allows us to develop a specific profile and infer which options may best suit your preferences. These cookies mean you will also be able to see MELIÁ ads on third-party websites or platforms.

The advertising cookies we use to show you content that suits your preferences may be our own or from third parties. You can accept or reject the installation of these cookies.

Supplier Purpose: Expiration
AMAZON These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 395 days
MICROSOFT These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 180 days
CRITEO These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 365 days
EUGEN DIGITAL These cookies are used to optimize the ads sent to users by email and thus offer ads and promotions that are of interest to users, improving the effectiveness of campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 90 days
FACEBOOK These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and social media and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 90 days
FEEBBO These cookies are used to optimize the ads sent to users by email and thus offer ads and promotions that are of interest to users, improving the effectiveness of campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 30 days
GOOGLE These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. Minimum 7 days, maximum 540 days
LINKEDIN These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and social media and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 365 days
PINTEREST These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and social media and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 365 days
QUANCAST These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 365 days
SOJERN These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 540 days
TRIPADVISOR These cookies are used to optimise the ads on metasearch websites and thus offer ads and promotions of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 30 days
XANDR / APPNEXUS These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 90 day
YANDEX These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 540 days
ZEMANTA / OUTBRAIN These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 90 days
These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 60 days
DERBYSOFT These cookies are used to optimise the ads on metasearch websites and thus offer ads and promotions of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 30 days
WEBORAMA These cookies are used to optimise the ads on websites and thus offer ads of greater interest to users, improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their content. To do this, an analysis of the user’s browsing is made and a profile prepared according to their preferences and interaction with the website. 120 days

Control and deletion of cookies

With the cookie settings tool you can reject or accept cookies that require your consent. You can also can block and delete cookies by changing your browser settings.

To manage cookies, most browsers allow you to reject or accept all cookies or only accept certain types of cookies. The process for managing and deleting cookies can be found in the help section of your browser. If you would like to limit the use of cookies, it may not be possible to use all the interactive functionality on our Website.

Cookies installed on your computer may be allowed, blocked or deleted by changing the browser options on your computer:

Mobile ad settings

As with computer browsers, the preferences in your browser can be set on your mobile device to deactivate or eliminate cookies.

If you want to change the privacy settings, follow the instructions provided by the developer of the browser used on your mobile device.

Below are some examples of links that can help you change the privacy settings on your mobile device:

Ad settings on third-party social media:

By using social media such as Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn and accepting their legal notices, you may receive advertising from MELIÁ. To be able to show you this advertising we may collect your browsing information using the pixel from the corresponding social media site on our website or using the technology provided by the social media site to upload our database to their platform and thus be able to personalise the ads displayed (in this case, encryption-pseudonymisation measures will be taken).

Below is more information about these technologies on the websites of some of the most relevant social media sites:

If you want to change your social media ad settings you can do so using their own settings panels.


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